Friday, April 12, 2013

Lenses & Photography Vocabulary

I would use a telephoto lens to capture a tiger while it sits still in an African safari.

I would use a prime lens to ... (in what type of situation.)

I would use a wide-angle lens to

We also need to add more words to your vocabulary - here are those words:

Define each term below in your blog entry. Also write a sentence that explains how it relates to taking better photos.

Depth of Field (shallow and wide)
Light (angle and intensity)
Shadows Diffusion
Aperture (f-stop)
Shutter speed

My Yearbook Spread

7 News Values

Timeliness- Police: Train hits abandoned vehicle on tracks
The train crash happened this morning at around 5:00 a.m in the South Austin area, near Banister Lane.
Proximity- Officials: Fatal train crash was apparent suicide
 A women in South Austin purposefully laid on a train track while the train was coming, and disregarded the blowing horn.
Prominence- Fla. parents who kidnapped boys to remain in jail
The two Florida resident Parents lost custody of their two children and sailed them to Cuba so they could have them back.

Impact- Mystery Surrounds Withdrawal of ‘Django Unchained’ in China
It is said that brief nudity in one or two scenes of 'Django Unchained' had offended Chinese officials, in result, Chinese cut the movie from their theaters.
Conflict- In Seoul, Kerry Warns North Korea Against Missile Test
John Kerry warned North Korea's leader that a missile launch test should be canceled and that if he goes along with the launch and conflict breaks out, his nation would be defeated. 
Human Interest- Police: Boys sexually battered girl who hanged herself
Eight days after a teen was sexually battered at a party, and humiliated about it, she hung herself, seven months after the incident the boys were finally arrested, still leaving the family with questions.
Novelty- Man accused of stealing cars during test drives
What person in their right man would go to car lots and pretend to test drive cars and steal them, cars have a gps system in them and car dealerships have cameras.