Thursday, December 6, 2012

American Soldier

I think this is the most powerful photo because the men are deployed in Iraq, it shows their loyalty to their country and the bravery to be in a war zone.

B. Through the photos, Ian is in different locations, each set of photos from the same location comprise a short series or set.

Set #1 At home in Denver - Tell me which image #s from image 1 to image 9
Set #2 At Basic Training - tell me which image #s from image 10 to image 30
 Set #3 In Iraq - tell me which image #'s from image 40-43 to image 51-70
          Set #4 Back in Denver - tell me which image #s from image 31-39 to image 44-50 image 71-83

These images are the most powerful because it is showing a lot of emotion from Ian about leaving his family behind and going out to complete his duty. Also it shows his loyalty to his dad, his country and to Jesus.

The images work to tell a story because it shows Ian's journey from high school to signing up for the military, and every step he took in between becoming a United States Army Cadet.The photos show the pain and smiles and all the support from his family and girlfriend.

3. A. Present Tense
Captions enhance the photos because they give background on what has happened and what it happening at the time of the photo.

Photo 52: Ian holds a cross that helps him keep his faith and determination.
Photo 57: Ian works out hard to be physically fit and in good shape.
Photo 59: Christmas spirit, Ian helps another soldier hang Christmas lights in their rooms

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