Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Photoshop Introduction

portrait reminders


Triangle, Green, Backpack


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Photography Vocab

Depth of Field (shallow and wide)
Light (angle and intensity)- Angle-where is the light coming from. Intensity- how bright that light is.
Diffusion- decreasing the intensity of the light
Aperture (f-stop)- Inside of the lens, how big the opening is.
Shutter speed- mirror inside of the camera & how fast it  opens & closes.
ISO- sensor inside of the camera. How sensitive the sensor is to light


Caption #1

who- President Barack Obama & wife Michelle Obama
what- hugging each other. embracing. they are clearly in love.
when- October 15, 2012
where- Outside, airport in Washington D.C, Kennedy International Airport. He is on the tarmac and he just came off of his big airplane called Air Force 1.
why- He was out campaigning and he hadn't seen her in 3 weeks, so he missed her.
background- President Obama tripped and fell on his way into the terminal. He hit his head hard enough that he required medical attention from the nearby doctors.

sentence # 1 President Barack Obama embraces his wife, Michelle after getting off the airplane at Kennedy National Airport in Washington, D.C. he had just return from campaigning in Ohio Sunday afternoon.

sentence #2 The President while on his way to the terminal, tripped and fell requiring medical attention for a cut on his left cheek.

caption head: Stumbling his way to the presidency

Who- Asian Singer Le Chung
What- Delivering his wonderful voice in a song called Stand By Me by Le Chung
When- August 15, 2012
Where- Concert in Southeast Asia, in a performance box that circles above the crowd.
Why- To announce and perform his first hit song
How- Passionately & pridefully voicing his song with confidence.
Background- After the performance, Le Chung invited one person on stage to sing along with his next song, but it ended sour and security had to rush Chung out of the concert dome .

Sentence #1 Asian Singer Le Chung passionately and pridefully delivers his wonderful voice with confidence on August 15, 2012 at a concert in Southeast Asia, where he rises above the crowd in a circling performance box in a song called Stand By Me.

Sentence #2 After the performance, Le Chung gave invitation to a fan to come on stage and recite his next hit, but it ended in turmoil and security had to rush Chung out of the concert dome.

Caption head- When a good performance turns sour

Who- Heavyweight boxer Alexander Jones
What- In a challenging round three, he's getting knocked out by opponent
When- November 4, 2012
Where- Boxing arena in Chicago, Illinois
Why- The match is so extreme, this is the match that determines who will gain the Heavyweight Champion title.
How- Opponent gets fed up with being Jones' punching bag, so he retaliates with a knock-out punch that wins him the match.
Background- It's round three of a bloody, sweaty match, the previous two rounds, Jones gets the last punch, and it looks like he will take the Title, until the last minute of the round, opponent proves himself.

Sentence #1 In a challenging round three of the Championship Title boxing match Heavyweight Alexander Jones gets

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Winter Break

1. Tell me what is the one thing that happened on your holiday that you will remember? It can be a trip, a family visit, a present, something fun.

Over the holidays, I spent the majority of the time with my boyfriend's family. It was our first year of holidays together, I went to Houston and met a lot more of his family & also went to Cuero, Texas, his hometown. Nobody got me anything for Christmas, but it was a really good year because I spent it with my nieces & nephews & my boyfriend, the most important people in my life<3

2. What are your resolutions for the 2013 year?

My 2013 resolutions are to get on a diet, do way better with my attendance, & be more punctual. Assert myself more, graduate from high school. Also make the best possible choice for my future once the school year is over with.

3. What are you looking forward to in 2013?
I am looking forward to graduating, moving on & finally starting my own life that only I'm in control of. I am looking forward to becoming a better person &making the best out of the worst situations.

Why did you chose that as your main choice, what things attracted you to that choice and why was it the best of 2010?
1. What was the best song of 2012?
 Swimming Pools- Kendrick Lamar. I think this was the best song, because Kendrick Lamar is very artistic in his lyrics & he has a type of swag with the music that nobody else has. Kendrick Lamar's song is both unexpected and weird, but over all, he has good lyrics in his songs, and doesn't just say the same thing over and over like everyone else.
2. What was the best movie of 2012?
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Pt.2 Was the best movie of 2012. The movie has lots of action in it, and it completes the story line, some movies that make more than one never really have any reference to the previous movies, but this one does. I love the way the movie reflects real life even though it uses unreal creatures. I get the message fight for what you love, the actors did a great job!

 3. What was the most important news story of the year?
The Mass Shooting in Connecticut was the best news story of 2012. This was a tragic event that caused a lot of pain to many families and friends, and was spread on the news everywhere. This event showed that people have issues that need to be corrected before they do something outlandish. No child should feel left out in any situation.
4. Who was the most important person of 2012?
Rihanna ! Rihanna was the most important person in 2012. After her incident with Chris Brown she still came up & this year she started making better music and a lot more music. She has a lot of talent & is beautiful. Rihanna puts herself in her character and you can tell by her high spirit and smiles that she loves to make her fans happy & deliver the best music for them.

 5. What was the biggest sports OR entertainment story OR sports/entertainment person of 2012?
Alabama's Crimson Tide winning the National Title was the biggest entertainment story of 2012. Alabama had a 21-0 victory this year against LSU and they won their 14th national championship. I think this was the biggest story because they tried hard, played hard and it all showed off in the end. Alabama continues to show America what a great team they are!

 I like this photo because it looks like the dog is steering the car for the woman to push it. This is really adorable, even though you can't really see the dog.
 This photo is great because if you're just looking at it without a caption, you wouldn't be able to tell what the subject of the image is. The 2 soldiers in this photo are so well camouflaged that you can not see them at all. If it were a snake, it would've bit you, that's how good they hid.
 This is the most beautiful snow tunnel I've ever seen. The person's light makes everything glamorous in the tunnel. It is a beautiful image!