Thursday, January 10, 2013


Caption #1

who- President Barack Obama & wife Michelle Obama
what- hugging each other. embracing. they are clearly in love.
when- October 15, 2012
where- Outside, airport in Washington D.C, Kennedy International Airport. He is on the tarmac and he just came off of his big airplane called Air Force 1.
why- He was out campaigning and he hadn't seen her in 3 weeks, so he missed her.
background- President Obama tripped and fell on his way into the terminal. He hit his head hard enough that he required medical attention from the nearby doctors.

sentence # 1 President Barack Obama embraces his wife, Michelle after getting off the airplane at Kennedy National Airport in Washington, D.C. he had just return from campaigning in Ohio Sunday afternoon.

sentence #2 The President while on his way to the terminal, tripped and fell requiring medical attention for a cut on his left cheek.

caption head: Stumbling his way to the presidency

Who- Asian Singer Le Chung
What- Delivering his wonderful voice in a song called Stand By Me by Le Chung
When- August 15, 2012
Where- Concert in Southeast Asia, in a performance box that circles above the crowd.
Why- To announce and perform his first hit song
How- Passionately & pridefully voicing his song with confidence.
Background- After the performance, Le Chung invited one person on stage to sing along with his next song, but it ended sour and security had to rush Chung out of the concert dome .

Sentence #1 Asian Singer Le Chung passionately and pridefully delivers his wonderful voice with confidence on August 15, 2012 at a concert in Southeast Asia, where he rises above the crowd in a circling performance box in a song called Stand By Me.

Sentence #2 After the performance, Le Chung gave invitation to a fan to come on stage and recite his next hit, but it ended in turmoil and security had to rush Chung out of the concert dome.

Caption head- When a good performance turns sour

Who- Heavyweight boxer Alexander Jones
What- In a challenging round three, he's getting knocked out by opponent
When- November 4, 2012
Where- Boxing arena in Chicago, Illinois
Why- The match is so extreme, this is the match that determines who will gain the Heavyweight Champion title.
How- Opponent gets fed up with being Jones' punching bag, so he retaliates with a knock-out punch that wins him the match.
Background- It's round three of a bloody, sweaty match, the previous two rounds, Jones gets the last punch, and it looks like he will take the Title, until the last minute of the round, opponent proves himself.

Sentence #1 In a challenging round three of the Championship Title boxing match Heavyweight Alexander Jones gets

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