Wednesday, February 6, 2013


The cover image for a story on new parents over 50 was one of the most talked about of the year and almost too successful in its execution—many readers did not realize that it was a photo illustration. The editors deliberately chose a model representing the extremity of the story's idea, and photographed her in the pose made iconic by Demi Moore on the cover of Vanity Fair, her belly was plumped with a prosthetic pillow, then carefully retouched to look real. The over-the-top poster-like cover was meant to stop you in your tracks—and it did.

This is my favorite cover because the way they made it look like the woman was really pregnant, representing new parents in their older ages. The cover stands out because the woman is naked, and her stomach stands out. Its cool how they can make a pregnancy, kind of an illusion. People would never think that a person that has age will be pregnant, it's shocking to walk down the street & see a picture of an old woman pregnant.  This cover shows how over the time, medical advances has contributed to better health of older people to be able to produce babies.

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